Last updated: 4/13/2015
Ex Parte Note For Hearing Issue Of Law
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(Copy Receipt) (Clerk's Date Stamp) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE CASE NO. __________________ ______________________________________ Plaintiff/Petitioner vs. (NTHG) _____________________________________ Defendant/Respondent *PLEASE NOTE: Civil discovery motions in cases which have been assigned to a trial judge must be heard by the trial judge and are not to be scheduled in the Ex Parte Department. TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT AND TO _______________________________________ The undersigned has filed and scheduled a motion for: Default Discovery Other-specify: ___________________________________ EX PARTE NOTE FOR HEARING ISSUE OF LAW The hearing is scheduled for ______________________ at ______________. date time to be held at: Spokane County Superior Court, Ex Parte Department, Courtroom 304, 1116 W. Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260-0350 Dated: ________________________ Signed: _____________________________ Notice to moving party: You may list an address that is not your residential address where you agree to accept legal documents. EX PARTE NOTE FOR HEARING, ISSUE OF LAW (CI-06.0305) (CR 40, 65; RCW 4.4.020) PAGE 1 OF 2 Rev 11/2010 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Name ________________________________________ Bar ID: ________________ Address ______________________________________________, City, State, Zip __________ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, _______________________________________ certify under the penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Washington, that I have delivered a copy of this note for hearing to the opposing side on the _____ day of_______________________, 20_____, I mailed delivered a copy of this note for hearing Ex Parte Issue of Law to:________________________________________________________________________. Service has been affected this: _____ date of_______________________, 20____. Attorney ______________________________ for ______________________________ ______________________________________ Signature EX PARTE NOTE FOR HEARING, ISSUE OF LAW (CI-06.0305) (CR 40, 65; RCW 4.4.020) PAGE 2 OF 2 Rev 11/2010 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com