Last updated: 4/13/2015
Trial Management Joint Report
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(Copy Receipt) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE (Clerk's Date Stamp) Plaintiff(s) Vs. __________________________ CASE NO. ____________________________ TRIAL MANAGEMENT JOINT REPORT (JSR) Defendant(s) ________________________ Pursuant to LR 16 this Trial Management Joint Report must be filed and served in all cases governed by a Civil Case Schedule Order (LR 0.4.1). Failure to file and serve this report or to appear at the Pretrial Conference may result in the imposition of monetary sanctions, dismissal of the case, or entry of a default judgment. Failure to fully disclose all items required on this report may result in exclusion or restriction on use of evidence at trial. This is a joint report, requiring counsel to meet, confer, and attempt to resolve differences in the matter addressed in this report. A copy of this report must be provided to the assigned judge. A. MEETING: The parties, by their attorneys, met at on (date) B. NATURE OF CASE: Provide a joint, brief, non argumentative description of the case, suitable for reading to the jury panel, as required by LR 51(a): (address) , could not settle the case and are prepared to proceed to trial. TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 1 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com C. TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIAL DAYS (including plaintiff's and defendant's case): D. LIST OF ISSUES WHICH ARE NOT IN DISPUTE: E. LIST EACH ISSUE THAT IS DISPUTED (Issues not identified here may not be raised at trial without leave of court): F. EXHIBITS: Trial counsel shall meet premark and index all exhibits numerically as directed by the clerk of the assigned court. Court exhibit tags, available at the Spokane County Clerk's Office or from the courtroom court clerk, must be used showing the exhibit number, case name, and case number only. The parties will submit their exhibits to the assigned court department pursuant to LCR 5(d)(6). The Clerk's Office will not accept exhibits. Counsel met on , conferred and reviewed a list of all exhibits which will be offered at trial. Any exhibit, which is not on said list of exhibits, will not be considered except by leave of court. No exhibits will be marked during trial while court is in session TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 2 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com G. INDEX OF EXHIBITS: The index shall indicate: (1) the exhibit number, (2) by whom offered, (3) a brief description, (4) whether the parties have stipulated to admissibility, and if not (5) the legal grounds for objection(s). Rebuttal or impeachment exhibits need not be listed. EXHIBIT NUMBER (P OR D) DESCRIPTION STIPULATION AS ADMISSIBLE OBJECTION/ GROUNDS (CITE ER) TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 3 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com H. LIST OF PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FOR WASHINGTON PATTERN JURY INSTRUCTIONS: If special (not WPI/WPIC, or pattern instructions including bracketed material), attach a copy. I. LIST OF DEFENDANT'S REQUESTS FOR WASHINGTON PATTERN JURY INSTRUCTIONS: If special (not WPI/WPIC, or pattern instructions including bracketed material), attach a copy. J. LIST OF NAMES AND SCHEDULE OF ALL LAY AND EXPERT WITNESSES: Describe type of witness (lay, treating, expert) and party calling witness. Please estimate all necessary time for presentation of all direct and cross-examination. Rebuttal witnesses need not be listed. NAME PARTY ESTIMATED TIME FOR WITNESS'S TESTIMONY TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 4 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com J. Attorneys, parties, or witness(s) have the following special need that needs to be addressed: Hearing Impaired Language Interpreter Other (Please contact the assigned court department involving of special needs requests five days before scheduled court hearings and trials.) I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the fore going is true and correct: DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 5 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: DATED: Signed: Type Name: Attorney for: Phone No.: WSBA No.: TRIAL MGT JOINT REPORT CI-06.0150 LCR 16 (Rev 11/2011) PAGE 6 OF 6 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com