Motion For Possession Pending Judgment {MC 36} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Motion For Possession Pending Judgment {MC 36} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/27/2023

Motion For Possession Pending Judgment {MC 36}

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MC 36 - MOTION FOR POSSESSION PENDING JUDGMENT Claim and Delivery. This form is used in Michigan and is typically filed by a plaintiff who claims to be lawfully entitled to possession of certain property and believes that the property may be damaged, destroyed, concealed, disposed of, or used in a way that substantially impairs its value before a final judgment is issued. The form includes details of the plaintiff's claim, a description of the property in question, and the reasons why the plaintiff seeks possession of the property before the final judgment. It also includes a restraining order instructing the defendant not to damage, destroy, conceal, dispose of, or impair the property's value until further court order. The defendant is ordered to appear in court for a hearing on the motion. The form also contains sections for proof of service, where the process server declares that the motion and other relevant documents have been served on the defendant, and an acknowledgment of service, where the defendant acknowledges receipt of the motion and related documents. Approved, SCAO. MCL 600.2920, MCR 3.105.

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