Notice Of Intent To Dispose Of Biological Evidence And Request For Preservation {G-153} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

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Notice Of Intent To Dispose Of Biological Evidence And Request For Preservation {G-153} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 11/13/2024

Notice Of Intent To Dispose Of Biological Evidence And Request For Preservation {G-153}

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AOC-G-153 - NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE OF BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE AND REQUEST FOR PRESERVATION. This form is used in North Carolina courts to notify involved parties of the custodian’s intent to dispose of biological evidence from a criminal case, as permitted under state law G.S. 15A-268. The custodian, often a law enforcement agency, informs the district attorney and other interested parties, including the defendant, that evidence collected or presented during the investigation or trial is slated for disposal. Parties are given the opportunity to request preservation of this evidence if they meet certain conditions, such as ongoing appeals, pending post-conviction proceedings, plans to request DNA testing, or review by the N.C. Innocence Inquiry Commission. If preservation is requested, it must be done in compliance with specific legal requirements, and if no request is made within a set timeframe, the evidence can be disposed of. G.S. 15A-268.

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