Application For Certificate Of Verification Of Prior Expunction {G-260} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

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Application For Certificate Of Verification Of Prior Expunction {G-260} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 10/25/2024

Application For Certificate Of Verification Of Prior Expunction {G-260}

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AOC-G-260 - APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF VERIFICATION OF PRIOR EXPUNCTION OR DISCHARGE. This form is used in North Carolina to request verification of the expunction of criminal records or the discharge of cases. The applicant must provide personal information and details about the expunged cases, including any previous names or identifiers. The applicant must declare that the information provided is accurate and complete and sign the application in the presence of a notary. The form serves to verify that the relevant records have been expunged from the General Court of Justice and that notice of the expunction was given as required by law. It outlines instructions for completion, emphasizing the confidentiality of the records involved and the necessity of providing accurate details for verification. The completed application can be submitted electronically or via mail, and the verification can be sent to the applicant’s email or a provided self-addressed stamped envelope. G.S. 15A-151(a)(2), 15A-152.

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