Findings And Custody Order Involuntary Commitment {SP-302B} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

 North Carolina   Statewide   Special Proceedings 
Findings And Custody Order Involuntary Commitment {SP-302B} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 10/28/2024

Findings And Custody Order Involuntary Commitment {SP-302B}

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AOC-SP-302B - FINDINGS AND CUSTODY ORDER INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT (PETITIONER IS CLINICIAN WHO HAS EXAMINED RESPONDENT). This form is used in North Carolina for a Findings and Custody Order related to involuntary commitment, specifically when the petitioner is a clinician who has examined the respondent. It establishes that there are reasonable grounds to believe the respondent has a mental illness, intellectual disability, or substance abuse issue that poses a danger to themselves or others. The order mandates law enforcement to take the respondent into custody within 24 hours and transport them to a designated 24-hour facility for examination and treatment pending a district court hearing. The form includes sections for law enforcement to certify the custody and details regarding the delivery of the respondent to the treatment facility or their release if they no longer meet the commitment criteria. The order is valid for seven days. G.S. 122C-252, -261, -263, -281, -283.

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