Outpatient Commitment Order Of Assignment Or Denial Of Counsel {SP-904A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

 North Carolina   Statewide   Special Proceedings 
Outpatient Commitment Order Of Assignment Or Denial Of Counsel {SP-904A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 11/14/2024

Outpatient Commitment Order Of Assignment Or Denial Of Counsel {SP-904A}

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AOC-SP-904A - OUTPATIENT COMMITMENT ORDER OF ASSIGNMENT OR DENIAL OF COUNSEL (County With Administrative Order Granting IVC File Access). This form is used in North Carolina for assigning or denying court-appointed legal counsel in outpatient commitment cases, where an individual may need mental health treatment without being hospitalized. The form assesses whether the respondent (the person undergoing the proceeding) can afford a lawyer, whether legal issues in the case are complex enough to require counsel, or if the respondent is unable to advocate for themselves. If the court determines the respondent is eligible, it assigns either a specific attorney or the public defender. If the respondent does not qualify, the request for court-appointed counsel is denied. NOTE: This form should be used in a county that has an Administrative Order that grants IVC file access. Form AOC-SP-904B should be used in a county that does not have an Administrative Order that grants IVC file access. G.S. 122C-267(d). www.FormsWorkflow.com

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