Affidavit For Candidate Or Officeholder-Electronic Filing Exemption | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

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Affidavit For Candidate Or Officeholder-Electronic Filing Exemption | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

Last updated: 1/3/2025

Affidavit For Candidate Or Officeholder-Electronic Filing Exemption

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AFFIDAVIT FOR CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER: ELECTRONIC FILING EXEMPTION. This form is used by candidates or officeholders in Texas to claim an exemption from the requirement to file their campaign finance reports electronically. Under Texas law, starting January 1, 2024, if a candidate or officeholder accepts more than $32,810 in political contributions or makes more than $32,810 in political expenditures in a calendar year, they are required to file all subsequent reports electronically. However, if the filer has not exceeded that threshold and does not use computer equipment to keep current records of political contributions and expenditures, they may submit an affidavit to claim an exemption from electronic filing for that reporting period. The form requires the filer to swear or affirm that they meet the conditions for exemption, and it must be submitted with each paper report where the filer claims the exemption. The affidavit can be signed either before a notary public or via an unsworn declaration.

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