Petition For Ability-To-Pay Determination {RI-TR018} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Riverside   Traffic 
Petition For Ability-To-Pay Determination {RI-TR018} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 7/16/2024

Petition For Ability-To-Pay Determination {RI-TR018}

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RI-TR018 - PETITION FOR ABILITY-TO-PAY DETERMINATION. Complete this form (RI-TR018) if you have a traffic or other infraction ticket and want to ask the court to address your ability to pay the fine. You must attach supporting documentation to this form. You can ask the court for monthly payments, more time to pay, a reduction in the amount owed, or to allow you to complete community service instead of paying the fine. If you have more than one ticket, you must fill out one form for each. If you want to fight the ticket do not use this form. DO NOT use this form to address a civil assessment that has been added to your case. To address a civil assessment, you must file the Request to Address Civil Assessment. If the court has previously made an ability-to-pay determination on your case, you may only file a subsequent ability to pay determination if there has been a change in your financial circumstances.

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