Last updated: 7/21/2024
Evidence (Exhibit) List-Traffic Remote Proceedings {RI-TR020}
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RI-TR020 - EVIDENCE (EXHIBIT) LIST – TRAFFIC REMOTE PROCEEDINGS. Read the Instructions to Defendant for Submission of Evidence (Exhibit) List – Remote Traffic Proceedings (RI-TR020-INFO) for instructions on completing this form. The Court intends to limit the handling of exhibits during remote proceedings; therefore, the Court encourages the parties to reduce exhibits to scanned photographs and documents in order to lessen the need for parties, court staff, and witnesses to handle physical evidence. For remote proceedings, the parties shall provide the court with an electronic copy of their evidence list and attach a copy of the actual evidence to be considered during the trial. The evidence list and all evidence (documents and photos) must be mailed to the court at the address provided on the notice mailed along with this form or e-mailed to the court. Exhibits shall be received by the Court no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the hearing date along with the form entitled EVIDENCE (EXHIBIT) LIST – TRAFFIC REMOTE PROCEEDINGS (Local Form RI-TR020). A remote appearance is allowed ONLY if all exhibits have been received by the Court no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled trial date. If any exhibit(s) are received by the Court less than seven (7) calendar days before the scheduled trial date, those exhibits cannot be presented as evidence at the time of trial. Remote proceedings shall not be allowed if either party intends to present demonstrative or other physical evidence. Demonstrative or other physical evidence includes oversized maps or diagrams, three dimensional objects, and blown up photographs. All exhibits are subject to admission by the assigned judicial officer. www.FormsWorkflow.com