Appellants Reply Brief-Limited Civil Appeal {APP-202} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Appellate 
Appellants Reply Brief-Limited Civil Appeal {APP-202} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 12/31/2024

Appellants Reply Brief-Limited Civil Appeal {APP-202}

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APP-202 - APPELLANT'S REPLY BRIEF—LIMITED CIVIL CASE. This form is for use as the appellant’s reply brief in a limited civil case appeal only. Do not use this form if this is a criminal case, this is an unlimited civil case, or there is a cross-appeal in this case. Before you fill in this form, review How to Use Form APP-202 in Limited Civil Cases (form APP-202-INFO). You may attach additional pages as needed when answering an item by checking the box that states there is not enough space. These additional pages must meet the formatting requirements of California Rules of Court, rule 8.883(c). Your brief cannot be longer than 25 pages, including this form and any additional pages used to complete your answers. Fill out this brief and make a copy for each of the other parties and the trial court. Serve a copy of the completed form on each of the other parties and the trial court and keep proof of this service. Proof of Service (form APP-109) or Proof of Electronic Service (form APP-109E) can be used to make this record. You can get information about how to serve court papers and proof of service from What Is Proof of Service? (form APP-109-INFO). Take or mail the completed form and proof of service on the other parties to the appellate division clerk’s office. It is a good idea to take or mail an extra copy to the clerk and ask the clerk to stamp it to show that the original has been filed. Optional Form, Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.883.

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