Small Claims Writ And Notice Of Suit {JD-CV-40} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Statewide   Civil 
Small Claims Writ And Notice Of Suit {JD-CV-40} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 1/10/2025

Small Claims Writ And Notice Of Suit {JD-CV-40}

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JD-CV-40 - SMALL CLAIMS WRIT AND NOTICE OF SUIT. This form is used in Connecticut and allows plaintiffs to file a small claims case seeking up to $5,000 in money damages, or up to $15,000 for home improvement cases. Plaintiffs must provide court location, case type, and information on both plaintiffs and defendants, including names, addresses, and contact details. The form guides plaintiffs on detailing the amount claimed, specifying any pre-judgment interest or additional damages for withheld security deposits, and requires a clear explanation of the reason for the claim. Supporting documents may be attached, and plaintiffs must serve the defendant before filing with the court.

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