Declaration And Order Dispensing With Notice To Alleged Natural Father {RI-FLA006} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   Riverside   Family 
Declaration And Order Dispensing With Notice To Alleged Natural Father {RI-FLA006} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 11/25/2024

Declaration And Order Dispensing With Notice To Alleged Natural Father {RI-FLA006}

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RI-FLA006 - DECLARATION AND ORDER DISPENSING WITH NOTICE TO ALLEGED NATURAL FATHER. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside, for the purpose of declaring and ordering dispensation with notice to an alleged natural father or unknown natural father in a legal matter. It begins with a section where the petitioner declares their efforts to locate the alleged natural father or unknown natural father, including attempts such as checking telephone directories, directory assistance, contacting friends and relatives, checking with former employers, checking the last known residence, checking voter registration records, and any other efforts made to locate the individual. After providing details of the efforts made to locate the alleged natural father or unknown natural father, the petitioner signs the declaration under penalty of perjury. Following the declaration section, there's an order of the court stating that notice to the alleged father or unknown natural father is dispensed with. This order is signed by the judicial officer of the Superior Court. Family Code § 7660 et al.

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