Attachment Order {CCCH 0018} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Cook   Chancery 
Attachment Order {CCCH 0018} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 12/23/2024

Attachment Order {CCCH 0018}

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CCCH 0018 - ATTACHMENT ORDER. This form is an order directing a law enforcement officer, usually a sheriff, to take a person into custody and bring them before a court. The order is directed towards a Respondent who failed to appear in court despite being properly served with a petition and notice of the hearing. The order directs the Sheriff of a specific county in the state of Illinois to bring the Respondent before the court to answer to the Rule to Show Cause entered and to respond to the matter of relief set forth in the petition filed. The costs of processing this attachment will be charged to and paid by the Respondent unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

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