Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Referral Order (Form 7) {CCCH 0102} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

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Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Referral Order (Form 7) {CCCH 0102} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 12/24/2024

Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Referral Order (Form 7) {CCCH 0102}

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CCCH 0102 - MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MEDIATION REFERRAL ORDER (FORM 7). This form orders the referral of a foreclosure case to mediation. It outlines the details of the case, including the property address, the owner(s) of the property, and the issue(s) to be mediated, such as denial of modification or non-HAMP loss mitigation options. The order also appoints a mediator to serve in the case, sets a post-mediation status date for reporting on the status of mediation, and outlines communications procedures between parties and the mediator. Additionally, the form may appoint legal representation for the defendant(s) during the mediation session.

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