General Chancery Court-Annexed Mediation Order Of Referral {CCCH 0130} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

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General Chancery Court-Annexed Mediation Order Of Referral {CCCH 0130} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 12/23/2024

General Chancery Court-Annexed Mediation Order Of Referral {CCCH 0130}

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CCCH 0130 A - GENERAL CHANCERY COURT-ANNEXED MEDIATION ORDER OF REFERRAL. This order appoints a mediator to serve in the case, establishes deadlines for completing mediation, outlines necessary filings in the event of an agreement or no agreement, and sets a post-mediation status hearing. The order also requires all parties to participate in mediation, unless otherwise ordered by the court, and allows for the imposition of sanctions against any party who fails to attend mediation or violates the terms of the order. Additionally, the order requires each party to provide the mediator with a brief written summary of the case before the initial mediation session and designates this summary and all oral and written communications with the mediator as confidential and privileged.

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