Supplemental Job Displacement Non-Transferable Voucher (On Or After 1-1-13) {DWC AD 10133.32} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Workers Comp   General 
Supplemental Job Displacement Non-Transferable Voucher (On Or After 1-1-13) {DWC AD 10133.32} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 1/7/2025

Supplemental Job Displacement Non-Transferable Voucher (On Or After 1-1-13) {DWC AD 10133.32}

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SUPPLEMENTAL JOB DISPLACEMENT NON-TRANSFERABLE VOUCHER FORM FOR INJURIES OCCURRING ON OR AFTER 1/1/13. This is a supplemental job displacement non-transferrable $6,000 voucher for education-related retraining and/or skill enhancement. It can be used for education, counseling and/or training services. You can take this voucher to a California public school or to a state-certified provider on the Eligible Training Provider List, at and the school will be directly reimbursed upon receipt of a documented invoice by the claims examiner. You can also present this voucher to a counselor, which can be selected from the list on the Division of Workers' Compensation's ("DWC") website at: http:// www. This voucher may be applied to any of the following expenses at the choice of the injured employee: (1) Education-related retraining or skill enhancement, or both, at a California public school or with a provider that is certified and on the Eligible Training Provider List, including payment of tuition, fees, books, and other expenses required by the school for retraining or skill enhancement. (2) Occupational licensing or professional certification fees, related examination fees, and examination preparation course fees. (3) The services of licensed placement agencies, vocational or return-to-work counseling, and résumé preparation, all up to a combined limit of $600. (4) Tools required by a training or educational program in which the employee is enrolled. (5) Computer equipment including, monitors, software, networking devices, keyboards, mouse, printers, and tablet computers of up to $1,000 submitted with appropriate documentation (page 4 of this packet). The employer may give the employee the option to obtain computer equipment directly from the employer. The employee shall not be entitled to reimbursement for games or any entertainment media. (6) Up to $500 as a miscellaneous expense reimbursement or advance, payable upon request (by submitting page 3 of this packet via email or regular mail) without need for itemized documentation or accounting. The employee is not entitled to any other voucher payment for transportation, travel expenses, telephone or internet access, clothing or uniforms, or incidental expenses. Because you have received this Voucher and are unable to return to your usual employment, you may be eligible for a Return-to-Work Supplement. You must apply within one year from the date this Voucher was served on you. You should make a copy of the Voucher which you will need to apply for the Return-to-Work Supplement. Details about the Return-to-Work supplement program are available from the Department of Industrial Relations on its website,, or by calling 510-286-0787. If you pay for eligible expenses, you may be reimbursed for these expenses upon submission of documented receipts to the claims administrator for reimbursement. Reimbursement payments must be made by the claims administrator within 45 calendar days upon receipt of voucher, receipts, and documentation. If you decide to voluntarily withdraw from a program, you may not be entitled to a full refund of the voucher.

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