Order For Victim Restitution-Juvenile {JUV-790} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   San Diego   Juvenile 
Order For Victim Restitution-Juvenile {JUV-790} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 3/11/2025

Order For Victim Restitution-Juvenile {JUV-790}

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SDSC JUV-790 - ORDER FOR VICTIM RESTITUTION - JUVENILE. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Juvenile Court to formally order a youth offender to pay restitution to a victim or the California Victim Compensation Board. This order is issued when a youth has been found to have committed an offense under Welfare & Institutions Code section 602, granted deferred entry of judgment (WIC § 790), or placed under informal supervision (WIC § 654.2). The restitution order compensates victims for financial losses resulting from the youth's actions, including stolen or damaged property, medical expenses, lost wages, or other related costs. The form specifies the restitution amount, the responsible parties (which may include the youth's parents or guardians), and whether a hearing was held to determine the amount. The restitution order is enforceable as a civil judgment, meaning it remains in effect until fully satisfied, and victims are entitled to legal resources for enforcement. Optional Form. Welf. & Inst. Code, §§ 730.6, 730.7 Pen. Code, § 1214 Civ. Code, § 1714. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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