Order Denying Or Dismissing Petition For Personal Protection Order {CC 383} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Denying Or Dismissing Petition For Personal Protection Order {CC 383} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/5/2011

Order Denying Or Dismissing Petition For Personal Protection Order {CC 383}

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Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Petitioner 2nd copy - Respondent (if applicable) STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY Court address ORDER DENYING OR DISMISSING PETITION FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION ORDER CASE NO. Court telephone no. Petitioner's name Address and telephone no. where court can reach petitioner v Respondent's name, address, and telephone no. Date: 1. This order is entered without a hearing. Judge: Bar no. after hearing. THE COURT FINDS: 2. a. A petition was filed for a personal protection order in a domestic relationship. There is not reasonable cause to believe the respondent may commit one or more of the acts listed in MCL 600.2950(1). b. A petition was filed for a personal protection order in a nondomestic relationship. Respondent has not committed two or more acts of willful, unconsented contact. c. A petition was filed for a nondomestic sexual assault personal protection order. d. Other: 3. The petitioner requested an ex parte order. a. The petitioner has been interviewed, the petitioner's claims are sufficiently without merit, and the action should be dismissed without a hearing. b. An ex parte order should not be issued, but the petitioner has been advised of the right to request a hearing on the petition. c. Other: IT IS ORDERED: 4. a. The petition for a personal protection order is denied for the following reasons: (Specified below.) b. The petition for an ex parte personal protection order is denied with notice of the right to request a hearing for the following reasons: (Specified below.) c. The petition for an ex parte personal protection order is dismissed without notice of the right to request a hearing because the petitioner's claims are sufficiently without merit for the following reasons: (Specified below.) Date Judge CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on this date I personally served a copy of this order on the petitioner at Location at Time . I certify that on this date I mailed a copy of this order to the petitioner by first-class mail addressed to his/her last-known address. I certify that I personally served a copy of this order on the respondent at at Time Location served a copy of this order on the respondent by first-class mail addressed to his/her last-known address because the respondent was served with a copy of the petition for a personal protection order. Date CC 383 (3/11) Court clerk ORDER DENYING OR DISMISSING PETITION FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION ORDER MCR 3.705(A)(5), MCR 3.705 (B)(1), (6) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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