Phone Call Policy | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

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Phone Call Policy | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 7/27/2006

Phone Call Policy

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Phone Call PolicyAs a client, you are entitled to make reasonable requests for information from my office concerningthe status of your case. We will make every effort to make sure these reasonable requests areresponded to. You must also realize, however, that time spent on the telephone with clients takesaway from the time the lawyer and staff have available to perform legal services for all our clients.In order to balance your need for information with our need for time to work on your case, we haveinstituted the following phone call policy. Please read the following conditions carefully, and askquestions about anything you do not understand. If you have no questions and are willing to abideby the conditions, please sign and date the policy in the space provided.Phone calls will be taken during normal business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a one hourbreak for lunch. If you leave a message on a weekend or holiday, be aware that your call may notbe returned until the next business day. Furthermore, in order to protect my time with my familyand to ensure their privacy, I will not give out my unlisted home telephone number nor will I takecalls at home. When you call the office, please identify yourself and the matter that you are calling about. If it isa routine question that does not require legal advice, please ask a legal assistant or secretary forhelp. "Routine" might include, for example, asking when your hearing is, whether you must bepresent, or what a term on a form you are filling out means. My staff keeps the office calendar, soplease ask them for assistance with anything regarding scheduling.If you need to speak with me directly, I will take your call if I am in the office and not with a clientor preparing for court. If I am not available, please leave a phone number where you can bereached, a time when you will be available, and an alternate time if I cannot reach you then. If Iam out of the office for extended periods, I will call in periodically to check for messages and eithercall you back directly or relay a message through my staff. Please do not leave multiple messagesfor the same question unless there is a change in where you can be reached; you can be assured thatI will be returning your call as soon as I can.Please do not ask my staff for legal advice. They are not attorneys licensed to practice law inGeorgia and cannot give legal advice. Finally, if your phone number changes, please advise mystaff as soon as possible. Attorney ___________________________Date ___________________________Client ___________________________Date ___________________________

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