Arrest Warrant After Indictment Or Information {Rule 2.36 Form 6} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

 Iowa   Statewide   District Court   Criminal 
Arrest Warrant After Indictment Or Information {Rule 2.36 Form 6} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

Last updated: 1/3/2007

Arrest Warrant After Indictment Or Information {Rule 2.36 Form 6}

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Rule 2.36 -- Form 6 February 2002 ARREST WARRANT AFTER INDICTMENT OR INFORMATION State of Iowa County of ___________________________ Criminal Case No. ____________________ To any peace officer of the state: An indictment (information) having been filed in the district court of said county on the ________________ day of ___________________, 20 _______, (the day on which the indictment (information) is filed) charging A. B. with the crime of (here designate the offense by the number of the statutory provision and name of the offense if it have one, or by a brief general description of it, substantially as in the indictment). You are hereby commanded to arrest the said A. B. and bring such person before said court to answer said indictment. Signed this __________________________ day of _____________________, 20 _______ (Seal) ____________________________________ Clerk or Judge By order of the judge of the court. There may be added to the above, "Let the defendant be admitted to bail in the amount of ___________ dollars (or subject to other conditions endorsed on the warrant)." If the offense be a misdemeanor, the warrant may be in a similar form, adding to the body thereof a direction substantially to the following effect: "Or, if the said A. B. require it, that you take such person before a magistrate or the clerk of the district court in said county, or in the county in which you arrest such person, that such person may give bail to answer the said indictment," and the clerk may make an endorsement thereon to the following effect: "The defendant is to be admitted to bail in the sum of ______________ dollars" (the amount fixed by the judge). American LegalNet, Inc.

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