Last updated: 1/3/2007
Arrest Warrant When Defendant Fails To Appear For Sentencing {Rule 2.36 Form 7}
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Rule 2.36 -- Form 7 February 2002 ARREST WARRANT WHEN DEFENDANT FAILS TO APPEAR FOR SENTENCING State of Iowa County of ___________________________ Criminal Case No. ____________________ To any peace officer in the state: A _____________ B _____________, having been duly convicted on the _____________________________ day of _________________, 20 _____, in the district court of _______________________ County, of the crime of (here state the name of the offense and the statutory provision). You are hereby commanded to arrest the said A _____________ B _____________ and bring such person before said court for judgment. Signed this _____________________ day of __________________, 20 _____ ____________________________________ Clerk or Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com