Last updated: 1/3/2007
Written Arraignment And Plea Of Not Guilty {Rule 2.37 Form 6}
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Rule 2.37 -- Form 6 August 2002 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR _______________________ COUNTY THE STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff, vs. ____________________________________, Defendant. WRITTEN ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA OF NOT GUILTY No. ______________________________ Comes now the above named defendant in the above captioned criminal case and under oath states: 1. I am represented by Attorney ___________________________________________________, whose address and telephone number are _______________________, ____________________________, Iowa _______________. 2. My current mailing and residence addresses and telephone number are: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. I am _______ years old, having been born on _________________________________________. I can read and understand the English language and have completed the following level of education: __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I have been advised by the above named attorney and understand that I have a right to arraignment in open court, and I hereby voluntarily waive that right, choosing instead to sign this written arraignment and plea of not guilty. I understand that times for further proceedings which are computed from the date of arraignment will be computed from the date of filing this written arraignment and plea of not guilty. 5. I have received a copy of the indictment/trial information which charges me with the crime(s) of __________ ______________________________________________ in violation of Iowa Code section(s) __________________ ( _______ ). I have read it, and I have familiarized myself with its contents. insert year 6. With regard to the name by which I am charged in the indictment/trial information [either check "a" or check and complete "b"]: [ ] a. The name shown on the indictment/trial information is my true name. I have been advised and understand that I am now precluded from objecting to the indictment/trial information upon the ground I am improperly named. [ ] b. The name shown on the indictment/trial information is not my true name. My true name is _______________ ________________________________________________________. I request that an entry be made in the minutes showing my true name. I have been advised and understand further proceedings will be had against me by that name, the indictment/trial information will be amended accordingly, and when the indictment/trial information is so amended I will be precluded from objecting upon the ground I am improperly named. 7. I have been advised and understand that I may plead guilty, not guilty, or former conviction or acquittal. 8. For the purpose of this arraignment, I have had sufficient time to discuss my case with the above named attorney, and I waive any further time in which to enter a plea. 9. I plead NOT GUILTY to the charge(s) of ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. I have been advised and understand that I have a right under Iowa R. Crim. P. 2.33 (2)(b) to a trial within 90 days after indictment/filing of the trial information and [check either "a" or "b"]: [ [ ] a. I demand a speedy trial pursuant to Iowa R. Crim. P. 2.33(2)(b). ] b. I waive my right to a speedy trial pursuant to Iowa R. Crim. P. 2.33(2)(b). American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com 11. I request that a trial date be promptly set pursuant to Iowa R. Crim. P. 2.9. My attorney and I will be available for trial on the following days: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Defendant State of Iowa _________________________ County, ss. Subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me by ________________________ this _________________ day of __________________________, 20 _____. [SEAL] ___________________________________ Notary public or other officer authorized to take and certify acknowledgements and administer oaths. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com