Last updated: 1/3/2007
Application For Search Warrant {Rule 2.36 Form 2}
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Rule 2.36 -- Form 2 Case No._____________________ February 2002 STATE OF IOWA, COUNTY OF _____________________________________ APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT Being duly sworn, I, the undersigned, say that at the place (and on the person(s) and in the vehicle(s)) described as follows: in County, there is now certain property, namely: which is: _____ _____ _____ _____ Property that has been obtained in violation of law. Property, the possession of which is illegal. Property used or possessed with the intent to be used as the means of committing a public offense or concealed to prevent an offense from being discovered. Property relevant and material as evidence in a criminal prosecution. The facts establishing the foregoing ground(s) for issuance of a search warrant are as set forth in the attachment(s) made part of this application. _________________________________________________________ Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of ______________________________, 20 _______ . _________________________________________________________ Judge or Magistrate ____________________________________________ Judicial District, ______________________________________________ County, Iowa WHEREFORE, the undersigned asks that a search warrant be issued. _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ County Attorney By ______________________________________________________ Assistant County Attorney American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Case No. _____________ ATTACHMENT A Applicant's name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________________________ No. of years: __________________ Assignment: _____________________________________________________ No. of years: __________________ Your applicant conducted an investigation and received information from other officers and other sources as follows: (___________ See attached investigative and police reports.) Case No. _____________ INFORMANT'S ATTACHMENT (Note: Prepare separate attachment for each informant.) Peace officer _________________________ received information from an informant whose name is: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential because disclosure of informant's identity would: ___Endanger informant's safety; ___Impair informant's future usefulness to law enforcement. The informant is reliable for the following reason(s): The informant is a concerned citizen who has been known by the above peace officer for years and who: ___Is a mature individual. ___Is regularly employed. ___Is a student in good standing. ___Is a well-respected family or business person. ___Is a person of truthful reputation. ___Has no motivation to falsify the information. ___Has no known association with known criminals. ___Has no known criminal record. ___Has otherwise demonstrated truthfulness. (State in the narrative the facts that led to this conclusion.) ___Other: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___The informant has supplied information in the past ____________ times. ___The informant's past information has helped supply the basis for ________ search warrants. ___The informant's past information has led to the making of __________ arrests. ___Past information from the informant has led to the filing of the following charges: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Past information from the informant has led to the discovery and seizure of stolen property, drugs, or other contraband. ___The informant has not given false information in the past. The information supplied by the informant in this investigation has been corroborated by law enforcement personnel. (Indicate in the narrative the corroborated information and how it was corroborated.) ___Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ The informant has provided the following information: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com