Application For Business Local Option Permit {ABL-29} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Department Of Revenue   Alcoholic Beverage Licensing 
Application For Business Local Option Permit {ABL-29} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 6/8/2020

Application For Business Local Option Permit {ABL-29}

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1350 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LOCAL OPTION PERMIT ABL-29 (Rev. 3/1/18) 4250 Mail to: SCDOR, ABL Section, P.O. Box 125 Columbia, SC 29214-0907 Telephone: (803) 898-5864 For Office Use Only File Number Period Covered Important Information: You may also apply for this permit in person at the SC Department of Revenue's taxpayer service centers. Visit or call 1-844-898-8542 for location information. Taxpayer Service Centers will not accept mailed applications. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT: 1. Name 2. Type of business 3. Business name 4. Business address City 5. SSN/FEIN ( ) Hotel/Motel Title ( ) Restaurant Street number/name, rural route County Email Address Zip Code ---------------6. Retail License Number Telephone Number ------------------------Date(s) permit being applied for: (Sunday by Sunday Only) Duration: One Sunday Fee: $200.00 MONTH/YEAR SUNDAY DATE FEES DUE $ $ $ Total fees due for all dates $ (Annual Only) Duration: 52 weeks Fee: $3,050.00 (subject to proration if biennial license expires before 52 weeks) MONTH/YEAR SUNDAY DATE FEES DUE Beginning Ending Total fees due for all dates $ * For Guidelines and Instructions on completing this form please see attached "Guidelines and Instructions" I certify by my signature below that a liquor by the drink license has been issued at the address shown in item four above. I understand if a violation of any alcoholic beverage laws or regulations occurs during the period covered by the local option permit, that I and/or the organization may be charged and if found guilty, that all permanent licenses/permits and unexpired local option permits may be suspended or revoked and all permit fees forfeited. (Officer or Principal Agent) Applicant Signature 42501023 American LegalNet, Inc. Guidelines and Instructions A. Applicable Laws and Regulations: Section 61-6-2010 SC Code of Laws, 1976. ABL Regulation 7-400. The SC Code of Laws and Regulations can be accessed over the web at or at your local library. B. Effect of permit: A local option permit applies only to liquor by the drink license holders, which hold a liquor by the drink license and a beer/wine permit. This permit allows the liquor by the drink license holder to operate and to possess, sell, and consume alcoholic liquors, beer, and wine during otherwise restricted hours. Pursuant to S.C. Code 61-6-2010, this permit will be valid each Sunday morning 12:00 a.m. -2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. -12:00 a.m. A temporary permit is only valid for the premises covered by the license(s). A permit is not valid until approved by the Department of Revenue and posted with the license in the business. Business establishments may continue to operate from 12:01a.m. Monday morning until 2:00 a.m. under their liquor by the drink license and beer and wine permit. C. Qualifications: A business must hold a valid liquor by the drink license to be eligible for a Sunday Local Option Permit and be located in a county or municipality which has passed a referendum authorizing the issuance of temporary permits within the county/city limits. D. Application and fees: An application must be filed for permit(s) requested. A nonrefundable daily filing fee of $100.00 and a permit fee of $100.00 must be paid for each Sunday permit. The permit fee will be refunded if an application is denied. E. Instructions for completing the application form: The person or entity applying must hold a liquor by the drink license at the location. Complete questions 1-6. Fill out the table by listing the Sunday dates for which you are applying. Total fees under Fees Due at the end of each row. ($200.00 for EACH permit). Then, total all fees and place amount in Total due for ALL dates. Example: If you would like to apply for local option permits for the last three Sundays in July and the first two Sundays in August, you would complete the table as follows: Date(s) permit being applied for: MONTH/YEAR SUNDAY DATE FEES DUE July 2003 7-13 7-20 7-27 $ 600 August 2003 8-3 8-10 $ 400 Total fees due for all dates t $ 1000 The annual 52 week permit will not extend beyond the expiration date of the biennial license. If the expiration date is less than the 52 weeks from the date of application for the local option permit then the Department of Revenue will prorate the $3050.00 fee on a monthly basis of $250.00 per month; plus a $50.00 SLED fee per application. See S.C. Code Section 61-6-2010(A). Example: If you have: 1 month left on your current liquor by the drink license; the license fee is $250.00 plus a $50.00 SLED fee, a total cost of $300.00. 2 months; the license fee is $500.00 plus a $50.00 SLED fee, a total of $550.00. 3 months; the license fee is $750.00 plus a $50.00 SLED fee, a total of $800.00. F. The person applying must hold a liquor by the drink license at the location applied for. If applying for a corporation, the application must be signed by an officer. If the business is owned by a partnership, only one partner may sign the application. If the business is a sole proprietor, the owner must sign. Fill in the fee amount. Place total fee(s) submitted in appropriate column. Enclose a check made payable to the Department of Revenue in the amount shown under the total column on the application. 42502021 American LegalNet, Inc.

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