Last updated: 6/11/2024
ABL Packet For Special Nonprofit Event License {ABL-909}
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ABL-909 - APPLICATION PACKET FOR SPECIAL NONPROFIT EVENT LICENSE. The Special Nonprofit Event License authorizes domestic nonprofit organizations to solicit and accept the donations of beer, wine, and alcoholic liquor from SC registered manufacturers and wholesalers for sale and on-premises consumption at an event. Brewpubs may donate beer brewed at the brewpub. The license cannot be transferred to another location. It also allows suppliers to provide equipment and trained representatives to serve and pour alcohol at licensed nonprofit events. This permit is issued to nonprofit organizations only. To be eligible for this permit a nonprofit organization must have an eleemosynary charter from, or be a political party affiliate certified by, the South Carolina Secretary of State's office. This license does NOT authorize: • the sale or consumption of beer, wine, or alcoholic liquor drinks outside of special events. • the sale or consumption of beer, wine, or alcoholic liquor drinks at a location that has a pending permanent alcoholic beverage license application. • the distilling, rectifying, brewing, fermenting, blending, and bottling of alcoholic liquors at the licensed location. License Period: • The Special Nonprofit Event License cannot be issued for a period exceeding 72 consecutive hours. • Nonprofit organizations can hold a maximum of four events per year that require a Special Nonprofit Event License. • If a nonprofit organization is hosting events at multiple locations simultaneously, they must obtain a separate Special Nonprofit Event License for each location. • However, simultaneous events conducted in a single county may count as one event toward the nonprofit organization's four-event yearly limit. www.FormsWorkflow.com