Last updated: 11/10/2023
Application For Special Event Beer Wine And-Or Liquor {ABL-900}
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Schedule of Fees Beer and wine only - $10.00 per day Alcoholic liquors - $35.00 per day Beer, wine and alcoholic liquors - $45.00 per day Fees must be submitted at the time application is made. If your event is to last past midnight, an additional day's fee is required. Please submit the correct fee at time of application. Fees are nonrefundable should your application not be approved or if you cancel or reschedule your event. If you are not sure of the correct fee to submit, you are advised to call our public assistance number (803)898-5864 for information. If this application is denied or protested, it may take up to six months to obtain a hearing or decision.Location Approval Permits and licenses are issued for a specific location only. Once you have been approved for the location for which you have applied, you cannot transfer the license or permit to another location. Effect of permit or license:A special event beer and wine permit authorizes the sale of beer and wine at special events and allows the consumption of thosebeverages on the licensed premises. Permits cannot be issued for a period exceeding fifteen days. Permits are issued for fairs andspecial events. A special event alcoholic liquors license authorizes the sale of alcoholic liquors at bona fide nonprofit functions andare issued to nonprofit organizations only, i.e., educational foundations, bona fide nonprofit organizations (must have aneleemosynary charter from the SC Secretary of State) or a political party or affiliate certified by the Secretary of State. If you are notsure of the type of special event liquor license you may qualify for, you are advised to contact the South Carolina Department ofRevenue at (803) 898-5864 for clarification before applying.Special Event License Qualifications:201Applicant must complete the ABL-900201Fees:oBeer and Wine ONLY: $10.00/dayoAlcoholic Liquors ONLY: $35.00/dayoBeer, Wine, and Alcoholic Liquors: $45.00 /day201Events extending beyond midnight require an additional day222s fee.201Applicant must be 21 years of age.201Applicant must be a resident of or registered to do business in South Carolina for thirty days prior to the date of application.201Applicant must be of good moral character.201All principals must attach a criminal records check (CRC), not more than 90 days old. (Code Section 61-4-550)oIf the principal has lived in South Carolina for more than two (2) years, obtain the CRC from SLED atwww.sled.state.sc.us or SLED Headquarters, Criminal Records Department, 4400 Broad River Rd., P.O. Box 21398,Columbia, SC 29221.oIf the principal has lived in South Carolina less than two (2) years, obtain a statewide CRC from previous state ofresidency AND a CRC from SLED.oIf principal is not a South Carolina resident, obtain a statewide CRC from current state of residency.201The location, in the opinion of the SCDOR, must be suitable for sale and consumption of beer, wine and/or liquor.201Must have South Carolina Retail Sales and/or Admission Tax License; or proof of tax exemption. Contact the License andRegistration Section at (803) 896-1350.201If an application for a permanent license/permit is pending for this location, a special event license cannot be issued to thesame location.201Form ABL-100 (included with the ABL-900) must be completed and returned with your application. Applications will not beprocessed without this form. If applying for alcoholic liquors the ABL-100 MUST be filed in the non-profit name per CodeSection 61-6-2000(C).201Location Approval: Special Event License is for a specific location only. Once you have been approved for the location forwhich you have applied, you cannot transfer the license to another location. APPLICATION PACKET FOR SPECIAL EVENT BEER, WINE, AND ALCOHOLIC LIQUORMail to: SC Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverage Licensing, P.O. Box 125, Columbia, SC 29214-0907. LEGAL DISCLAIMERThe information provided here is for general guidance only. It should not be considered as, or substituted for, legal advice. The department's staff is not permitted to give legal advice. Please read the laws, regulations, and applicable court decisions carefully before applying.1350STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ABL-900 (Rev. 11/16/17) 4281 This application MUST BE FILED at least Fifteen days prior to your special event. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Check which application type(s) is/are being applied for: Beer/Wine (TBP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.Applicant's Name Trade Name (doing Business as) Type of Ownership ( ) Sole Proprietor ( ) Partnership ( ) LLC/LLP ( ) Unincorporated Association ( ) Corporation Date Incorporated: State Incorporated: If a Corporation or Association, are you Publicly Traded? ( ) Yes ( ) No Location address where event is to be held Federal Identification Number Business Phone Number Home Phone Number Are all principals US Citizens? ( ) Yes ( ) No Any principal that can check no must submit an ABL-920 along with a copy of appropriate immigration documents. Email Address Mailing Address Is this location within SC municipal limits? ( ) Yes ( ) No If Yes, which city Is the location presently licensed to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquor? ( ) Yes ( ) No If "Yes," list the licensee's name and File# as it appears on their license or permit. MUST ATTACH COPY OF LEASE FOR THIS EVENT. Licensee's Name File #APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT BEER, WINE, AND/OR LIQUOR1350 File Number Admission Tax License # or Admission Tax Exemption Cert. (must attach copy of exemption certificate)TOTAL PAID $ Individual, Corporate Charter Name, Partnership Name, or Name of Unincorporated Association StreetZip Code State City County Physical Address (Must Include Street Number)Zip Code State County City Retail Sales License #This application MUST BE FILED at least Fifteen days prior to your special event.STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 42811034Retail Sales Tax Exemption # ABL-900 (Rev. 11/16/17) 4281 CHECKTYPE(S) LICENSE APPLYING FOREND DATEFEEAlcoholic Liquors (TLP) www.FormsWorkFlow.com 13. Beginning date of event Beginning Time AM PM Ending date of event Ending Time AM PM 14. Type of event (dance, festival, fund raiser, etc.) 15. Complete this question only if you are applying for a special event alcoholic liquor license. Type of organization ( ) Nonprofit organization ( ) Political party or affiliate certified by the Secretary of State 16. Has anyone to be employed by you at this event, with or without compensation, ever been convicted of a crime? ( ) Yes ( ) No. Attach explanations of any convictions. 17. Have you attached your criminal records check on all principals obtained from SLED? ( ) Yes ( ) No 18. Are you selling tickets or charging admission to the event? ( ) Yes ( ) No 19. Name of Contact Person UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, I DO HEREBY ATTEST/STATE THE FOLLOWING: CONSENT TO INSPECTION: That I consent to the inspection of the premises covered by the license and/or permit by any agent of the South Carolina Department of Revenue or any law enforcement officer. AFFIRMATION STATEMENT: That by my signature below, the answers given to the questions in this application are true, to the best of my knowledge and that I have not falsified any information given in this application. Date Applicant's Signature 42812032 Contact's Phone Number (Required) www.FormsWorkFlow.com . www.FormsWorkFlow.com www.FormsWorkFlow.com LAW ENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATION SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATIONThis Part to be Completed by your Sheriff or Chief of PoliceI have been informed by the above referenced person about his or her application for a special event license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquor at the address shown above. I understand that( ) I do not object to the issuance of this special event license( ) I wish to object to the issuance of this applicationDateSignature of authorized law enforcement officialDepartment and Official's phone numberIf this form is not completely filled out, your application will be returned to you.Print name and title of authorized officialTake this form to