Order For Good Cause Re Access To Juvenile Personal Records {JDF 535} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

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Order For Good Cause Re Access To Juvenile Personal Records {JDF 535} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 7/18/2019

Order For Good Cause Re Access To Juvenile Personal Records {JDF 535}

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District Court In the Matter of the Adoption of: Birth Name of Adoptee (If known) Current Legal Name of Adoptee COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division: Courtroom: ORDER FOR GOOD CAUSE RE: ACCESS TO JUVENILE PERSONAL RECORDS The Court, having considered the Request for Access to Juvenile Personal Records of the Requestor: is satisfied that good cause exists and therefore the Request for Access to Juvenile PersonalRecords is granted. is not satisfied that good cause exists and therefore the Request for Access to JuvenilePersonal Records is denied for the following reasons: The Court orders that the Requestor shall have access to the juvenile personal records. This Orderalong with photo identification can be presented to the Court on or after (date) for access to the juvenile personal records. The Court orders that the Requestor shall not have access to the juvenile personal records. Date: Judge Magistrate CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on (date), I delivered a copy of this Order to the following: Requestor and/or Requestor222s Attorney: Hand-Delivered, E-filed, or Mailed to: Other: Hand-Delivered, E-filed, or Mailed to: Clerk Signature: JDF 535 10/15 ORDER FOR GOOD CAUSE RE: ACCESS TO JUVENILE PERSONAL RECORDS American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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