Decree Validating Foreign Adoption {JDF 524} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

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Decree Validating Foreign Adoption {JDF 524} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 7/21/2011

Decree Validating Foreign Adoption {JDF 524}

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District Court Denver Juvenile Court __________________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: In the Matter of the Petition of: _____________________________ (name of person(s) seeking to adopt) COURT USE ONLY Case Number: For Validation of a Foreign Decree of Adoption Division ______ Courtroom _____ DECREE VALIDATING FOREIGN ADOPTION This matter comes on for hearing on (date) upon the Petition seeking a Decree Validating Foreign Adoption granted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a country other than the United States of America. The Court having heard the testimony and evidence offered in support of the Petition, and being fully advised finds: 1. That the child was born on (date), at (place of birth). 2. That one of the adopting parents is a citizen of the United States of America and a resident of the State of Colorado. 3. The Court has examined the original or certified copy of a valid foreign adoption decree, together with the notarized translation, which have been presented to the Court. 4. The child's name listed in the foreign adoption decree is ______________________________________. 5. The child is either a permanent resident or a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. It is therefore ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that pursuant to §19-5-205, C.R.S., the Court declares the decree granted by a Court of competent jurisdiction on (City/Province) of (date), in (Name of Country) as valid, and the decree issued this date shall have the same legal effect as any decree of adoption issued by this Court. The child's name is ordered changed to: ________________________________. Date: _____________________ ______________________________________ Magistrate Judge CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on __________________ (date), I mailed, faxed, or hand-delivered a copy of this Decree to the following: Attorney for Petitioner(s) or Petitioner(s) pro se Other: ____________________________________ __________________________________________ Clerk JDF 524 R8/10 DECREE VALIDATING FOREIGN ADOPTION American LegalNet, Inc.

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