Last updated: 12/17/2019
Motion And Affidavit To Open File By Sibling Or Half Sibling Of And Adoptee {JDF 352}
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JDF 352 2 - 1 8 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT TO OPEN ADOPTION FILE BY: P age 1 of 2 ADULT DESCENDANT OF ADOPTEE; LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ADOPTEE; SPOUSE OF ADOPTEE; ADULT DESCENDENT OF ADOPTIVE PARENT; ADULT STEPCHILD OF ADOPTEE; OR ADOPTED ADULT SIBLING OF ADOPTEE. District Court County, Colorado Court Address: IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF : Birth Name of Adoptee (If known) A ND CONCE RNING Current Legal Name of Petitioner COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number : Division Courtroom MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT TO OPEN ADOPTION FILE : ADULT DESCENDANT OF ADOPTEE; LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ADOPTEE; SPOUSE OF ADOPTEE; ADULT DESCENDENT OF ADOPTIVE PARENT; ADULT STEPCHILD OF ADOPTEE; OR ADOPTED ADULT SIBLING OF ADOPTEE I, , declare under oath that: The Adoptee was born on: (Date). The Adoptee's current address is: (Street Address, City, State, Zip) The Adoptee was adopted by in County, Colorado, on or about( date of adoption). Agency handling adoption: . Attorney handling ado ption: The adoption was finalized in County, Colorado. Adoptive parents' address at time of adoption: (Street Address, City, State, Zip) I know the following about the Adoptee's birth parents or relatives: I am seeking the Adoptee's birth parents or relatives because: The Adoptee is living The Adoptee's current address is: (Street Address, City, State, Zip) Adoptee curren t telephone numbers are: (home)(work The Adoptee is is not living with his/her adoptive parents. My current address is: (Street Address, City, State, Zip) My current telephone numbers are: (home)(work) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com JDF 352 2 - 1 8 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT TO OPEN ADOPTION FILE BY: P age 2 of 2 ADULT DESCENDANT OF ADOPTEE; LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ADOPTEE; SPOUSE OF ADOPTEE; ADULT DESCENDENT OF ADOPTIVE PARENT; ADULT STEPCHILD OF ADOPTEE; OR ADOPTED ADULT SIBLING OF ADOPTEE. If you are an adult descendant of an adoptee, fill out Section 1 below: If you are a legal guardian of an adoptee, fill out Section 2 below: If you are a spouse of an adoptee, fill out Section 3 below: If you are an adult descendant of an adoptive parent, fill out Section 4 below: If you are an adult stepchild of an adoptee, fill out Sec tion 5 below: If you are an adopted adult sibling of adoptee, fill out Section 6 below. Section 1 : I am an adult descendant of the Adoptee because (state relationship) I was born on: . Section 2 : Date of Court Appointment as legal guardian: Case No. Court of Jurisdiction: (county). I am the legal guardian of the Adoptee because: ( state particular reason) Section 3 : Date of marriage: Date of Legal Separation (if applicable): S ection 4 : I am an adult descendant of Adoptive Parent because (state relationship ) I was born on: Section 5 : I was was not adopted by the Adoptee. I was born on: Section 6 : I am an adopted adult sibling of the Adoptee because (state relationship) I was born on: . I was adopted by: (names of adoptive parents) I petition the Court to order the adoption files of the Court for County, and any hospital, homes, adoption agencies, state or public agencies or courts that have files concerning this case, be open for review by a confidential intermediary. By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of this form. VERIFICATION I declare under p enalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the day of , , at (date) (month) (year) (city or other location, and state OR country (printed name of Petitioner) Signature ===============================================================================================