Motion To Waive Family Assessment Or Home Study {JDF 515} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

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Motion To Waive Family Assessment Or Home Study {JDF 515} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 4/30/2018

Motion To Waive Family Assessment Or Home Study {JDF 515}

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JDF 515 R 3 - 1 8 MOTION TO WAIVE FAMILY ASSESSMENT/HOME STUDY District Court County, Colorado Court Address: IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: (name of person(s) seeking to adopt) FOR THE ADOPTION OF A CHILD COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Phone Number: E - mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: Division Courtroom MOTION TO WAIVE FAMILY ASSESSMENT/HOME STUDY Th e Petitioner(s) respectfully request that the Court waive the requirement of a family assessment/home study and approval pursuant to 247 19 - 5 - 206(2)( g ), C.R.S., as amended, and as grounds therefore, state as follows: 1. 247 19 - 5 - 206(2)( g ), C.R.S. provides that the c ourt may waive the assessment and approval of the potential adoptive parent(s) in cases involving kinship or custodial adoption or may determine and order the kind of information or written report it deems necessary for the assessment and approval of the potential adoptive parents , including an abbreviated home study or home evaluation. The c ourt may proceed to finalize such adoptive placement upon finding that the placement is in the best interests of the child. 2. The child has been in the physical custo dy of the Petitioner(s) for over one year. 3. A home study or other assessment and approval in this case is unnecessary because: 4. A current fingerprint - based criminal history record check and a TRAILS background check for each Petitioner is attached to the Petition for Adoption in this case. By checking this box, I am acknowledging I am filling in the blanks and not changing anything else on the form. By checking this box, I am acknowledging that I have made a change to the original content of t his form. SIGNATURE (printed name of Petitioner ) (printed name of Co - Petitioner) Petitioner Signature Date Petitioner Signature Date Date Date American LegalNet, Inc.

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