Order Regarding Real Estate Dwelling {PC 647} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Regarding Real Estate Dwelling {PC 647} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 5/26/2016

Order Regarding Real Estate Dwelling {PC 647}

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Approved, SCAO JIS CODE: OCS STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF Estate of 1. Date of hearing: 2. A petition was filed in this matter on Date FILE NO. ORDER REGARDING REAL ESTATE/DWELLING Judge: Bar no. for court approval to sell dispose of mortgage pledge place a lien on the protected individual's principal dwelling, real property, or interest in real property. THE COURT FINDS: 3. Notice of the hearing was given to or waived by all interested persons. 4. a. It is in the protected individual's best interest to sell dispose of mortgage the protected individual's principal dwelling, real property, or interest in real property. b. The evidence does not provide the fair market value. 5. Bond was filed and approved by the court. 6. The legal description of the property or VIN number of the titled property is: . IT IS ORDERED: 7. The petition is granted. sell to Name Name pledge place a lien on is authorized to: mortgage to pledge to place a lien on in favor of and dispose of to the property described above for $ under the terms and conditions stated in the petition. under the following terms and conditions: 8. This order shall be recorded with the register of deeds for the county in which the property is located because it involves real property or an interest in real property. 9. A written appraisal of the property must be provided to the court within 10. The petition is denied. days. Date Judge Attorney name (type or print) City, state, zip Bar no. Address Telephone no. Do not write below this line - For court use only American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com PC 647 (9/14) ORDER REGARDING REAL ESTATE/DWELLING MCL 700.5422(3), MCL 700.5423

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