Order Regarding Petition For Protective Order {PC 644} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Regarding Petition For Protective Order {PC 644} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/16/2006

Order Regarding Petition For Protective Order {PC 644}

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Approved, SCAO OSM CODE: OPP STATE OF MICHIGAN FILE NO. PROBATE COURT ORDER REGARDING PETITION FOR COUNTY PROTECTIVE ORDER CIRCUIT COURT - FAMILY DIVISION In the matter of 1. Date of hearing: Judge: Bar no. On petition filed, THE COURT FINDS that: 2. Notice of hearing was given to or waived by all interested persons. 3. The individual is not in need of a protective order. 4. Upon presentation of clear and convincing evidence, the individual is in need of a protective order because s/he is unable to manage his/her property and business affairs effectively due to: mental illness. mental deficiency. physical illness or disability. chronic use of drugs. chronic intoxication. confinement. detention by a foreign power. disappearance. other: and a. the individual has property that will be wasted or dissipated unless proper management is provided. or b. money is needed for the support, care, and welfare of the individual or those entitled to be supported by the individual and that protection is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide the money. 5. Upon presentation of clear and convincing evidence, the minor individual is in need of a protective order because the minor: a. owns money or property that requires management or protection that cannot otherwise be provided. b. has or may have business affairs that may be jeopardized or prevented by the persons minority. c. needs money for support and education, and protection is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide money. 6. A protective order is necessary to authorize, direct, or ratify the following transaction that is necessary or desirable to achieve a security, service or care arrangement meeting the individuals forseeable need: 7. It is in the best interests of the individual that a protective order be issued to authorize, direct, or ratify the following contract, trust, or other transaction relating to the individuals property and business affairs: 8. It is in the wards best interests for the guardian to sell or otherwise dispose of the wards real property or interest in real property. The guardian should be appointed as special conservator to petition for sale of the real estate. IT IS ORDERED that: 9. The petition for protective order is granted. denied on the merits. dismissed/withdrawn. 10. Other: Date Judge Attorney name (type or print) Bar no. Address City State Zip Telephone no. Do not write below this line - For court use only PC 644 (9/02) ORDER REGARDING PETITION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER MCL 700.5215(a), MCL 700.5314(b), MCL 700.5408

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