Petition To Terminate Modify Guardianship Legally Incapacitated Individual Minor {PC 675} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

 Michigan   Statewide   Probate   Guardianships and Conservatorships 
Petition To Terminate Modify Guardianship Legally Incapacitated Individual Minor {PC 675} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 9/6/2024

Petition To Terminate Modify Guardianship Legally Incapacitated Individual Minor {PC 675}

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PC 675 -- PETITION TO TERMINATE / MODIFY GUARDIANSHIP. This form form is used in Michigan Probate Court to request changes to an existing guardianship for a legally incapacitated person or a minor. It allows someone to ask the court to end the guardianship, modify the guardian's powers, or replace the current guardian. The form requires details about the ward and guardian, as well as the reasons for the requested changes. The petitioner can also propose a successor or temporary guardian if needed. MCL 700.5208, MCL 700.5210, MCL 700.5219, MCL 700.5306(6), MCR 5.125(C)(26), MCR 5.404(H)(4), (5), MCR 5.408.

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