Report For Court Review Of Minor Guardianship {PC 655} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Report For Court Review Of Minor Guardianship {PC 655} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/3/2021

Report For Court Review Of Minor Guardianship {PC 655}

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Approved, SCAO OSM CODE: RRM STATE OF MICHIGAN FILE NO. PROBATE COURT REPORT FOR COURT REVIEW OF COUNTY MINOR GUARDIANSHIP CIRCUIT COURT - FAMILY DIVISION In the matter of , a minor1. As ordered by the court, I have investigated this guardianship. 2. I visited the guardian on at . Date Location 3. I visited the minor on at . I did not visit the minor because: 4. I visited the custodial parent(s), who resides at . I did not visit the custodial parent(s) because: 5. The parent(s) complied with the court structured plan limited guardianship placement plan dated to the following extent: 6. The guardian complied with the court structured plan limited guardianship placement plan dated to the following extent: 7. The guardian has adequately provided for the welfare of the minor to the following extent: (PLEASE SEE OTHER SIDE) Do not write below this line - For court use only PC 655 (3/00) REPORT FOR COURT REVIEW OF MINOR GUARDIANSHIP MCL 700.5207; MSA 27.15207, MCR 5.404(D)<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 28. The guardian is is not willing to continue to provide for the welfare of the minor. 9. The guardian has does not have the ability to continue to provide for the welfare of the minor. 10. It is is not necessary to continue this guardianship for the following reasons: 11. If the guardianship is continued, the effect on the welfare of the minor will be as follows: 12. The following factors should be considered for the welfare of the minor: 13. I RECOMMEND that this guardianship be terminated. be continued without modification. be continued with the following modifications: (specify) 14. I also recommend that the court schedule a hearing on the status of the guardianship. Date Signature Address Name (type or print) City, state, zip Telephone no.

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