Certification And Petition To Make Special Under The Cancer Immunotherapy Pilot Program {PTO-SB-443} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   Patent 
Certification And Petition To Make Special Under The Cancer Immunotherapy Pilot Program {PTO-SB-443} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 7/14/2016

Certification And Petition To Make Special Under The Cancer Immunotherapy Pilot Program {PTO-SB-443}

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PTO/SB/443, CERTIFICATION AND PETITION TO MAKE SPECIAL UNDER THE CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY PILOT PROGRAM, To support the $1 billion National Cancer Moonshot initiative launched on February 1, 2016, the USPTO established Patents 4 Patients, also known as the Cancer Immunotherapy Pilot Program. This program provides a fast-track review for cancer immunotherapy-related patent applications without the need for applicant to pay a petition fee. Under this program, patent applications pertaining to cancer immunotherapy are advanced out of turn for examination, resulting in their accelerated review. Patents 4 Patients aims to cut the time it takes to review patent applications pertaining to cancer immunotherapy in half by issuing final decisions in one year or less after they are received. In view of the continued interest in the program and participation from various stakeholders from around the world― independent inventors, universities, research institutions, hospitals, medical centers, government agencies, and large and small companies―the USPTO has extended Patents 4 Patients until January 31, 2023. All pilot parameters remain the same as first implemented on June 29, 2016. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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