Certification And Request To Treat An Application Filed During-System Outage {PTO-SB-448} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   Patent 
Certification And Request To Treat An Application Filed During-System Outage {PTO-SB-448} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/2/2024

Certification And Request To Treat An Application Filed During-System Outage {PTO-SB-448}

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PTO/SB/448 - CERTIFICATION AND REQUEST TO TREAT AN APPLICATION FILED DURING A DESIGNATED SIGNIFICANT UNPLANNED ELECTRONIC BUSINESS SYSTEM OUTAGE AS AN APPLICATION FILED BY THE USPTO’S ELECTRONIC FILING SYSTEM. APPLICANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THE FOLLOWING AND REQUESTS THAT THE ABOVE-IDENTIFIED APPLICATION BE TREATED AS AN APPLICATION FILED BY THE USPTO PATENT ELECTRONIC FILING SYSTEM. 1. The above-identified application was filed during a designated significant unplanned electronic business system outage by an alternative filing method. In addition, a copy of the application is being filed with this form via USPTO patent electronic filing system no later than: (1) one month from the da tea filing receipt was first issued for the application if the non-electronic filing fee has been paid; or (2) the expiration of the period for reply to a notice requiring payment of the non-electronic filing fee (e.g., a notice to file missing parts under 37 CFR 1.53(f)) if the non-electronic filing fee has not been paid. 2. The copy of the application filed with this form via USPTO patent electronic filing system is a true copy of the original application as filed by the alternative filing method. The copy of the application is being filed as a follow-on paper to the above-identified application, and not as a new application. 3. Applicant requests a refund of any fees that were previously paid (e.g., the non-electronic filing fee) that are not due as a result of treating the application as an application filed by the USPTO patent electronic filing system. If appropriate, applicant requests that any fees currently due be recalculated and that any fees available as a result of the recalculation be reap plied to fees remaining due on the filing of this application as needed and that any remaining funds be refunded according to 37 CFR 1.26. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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