Authorization To Permit Access To Application By Participating Offices {PTO-SB-39} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Authorization To Permit Access To Application By Participating Offices {PTO-SB-39} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 4/13/2022

Authorization To Permit Access To Application By Participating Offices {PTO-SB-39}

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PTO/SB/39, AUTHORIZATION OR RESCISSION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PERMIT ACCESS TO APPLICATION-AS-FILED BY PARTICIPATING OFFICES. This form is used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to authorize or rescind authorization for participating foreign intellectual property offices to access a U.S. patent application as filed. This access allows the participating offices to review the application and make decisions related to their own intellectual property processes. The form is typically used when the applicant wishes to file a counterpart application in a foreign country and desires that foreign intellectual property offices to have access to the original U.S. patent application. The form can also be used to rescind authorization if the applicant no longer wishes to grant access. To use the PTO/SB/39 form, the applicant must complete the necessary information on the form, including the application number, the participating foreign offices to which access is being granted or rescinded, and the signature of the authorized party. Once completed, the form should be submitted to the USPTO for processing.

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