Transcript Request {CV-416} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

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Transcript Request {CV-416} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 8/11/2016

Transcript Request {CV-416}

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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County Name Of Plaintiff File No. Abstract No. In The General Court Of Justice District Superior Court Division Name Of Defendant VERSUS Name And Address Of Requestor (type or print) TRANSCRIPT REQUEST (REQUEST TO ISSUE TRANSCRIPT OF JUDGMENT) G.S. 1-234 REQUEST I request that a transcript of the docket for the case noted above be docketed in each county selected below, and I agree to pay a transcript fee of $10.00 for each such transcript. Alamance (000) Avery (050) Buncombe (100) Carteret (150) Chowan (200) Cumberland (250) Duplin (300) Gaston (350) Guilford (400) Hertford (450) Johnston (500) Macon (550) Mitchell (600) Northhampton (650) Pender (700) Randolph (750) Rutherford (800) Surry (850) Vance (900) Wayne (950) Alexander (010) Beaufort (060) Burke (110) Caswell (160) Clay (210) Currituck (260) Durham (310) Gates (360) Halifax (410) Hoke (460) Jones (510) Madison (560) Montgomery (610) Onslow (660) Perquimans (710) Richmond (760) Sampson (810) Swain (860) Wake (910) Wilkes (960) Alleghany (020) Bertie (070) Cabarrus (120) Catawba (170) Cleveland (220) Dare (270) Edgecombe (320) Graham (370) Harnett (420) Hyde (470) Lee (520) Martin (570) Moore (620) Orange (670) Person (720) Robeson (770) Scotland (820) Transylvania (870) Warren (920) Wilson (970) Anson (030) Bladen (080) Caldwell (130) Chatham (180) Columbus (230) Davidson (280) Forsyth (330) Granville (380) Haywood (430) Iredell (480) Lenoir (530) McDowell (580) Nash (630) Pamlico (680) Pitt (730) Rockingham (780) Stanly (830) Tyrrell (880) Washington (930) Yadkin (980) Ashe (040) Brunswick (090) Camden (140) Cherokee (190) Craven (240) Davie (290) Franklin (340) Greene (390) Henderson (440) Jackson (490) Lincoln (540) Mecklenburg (590) New Hanover (640) Pasquotank (690) Polk (740) Rowan (790) Stokes (840) Union (890) Watauga (940) Yancey (990) I have transmitted to the Clerk of Superior Court in each of the above-selected counties a transcript of the original docket identified above and I collected from the above-named requestor a transcript fee (21440) of $ Transcripted to county(ies) and transcript number(s): County 1 County 3 Date FOR COMPLETION BY CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT on (give date) . __T______ __T______ Signature Of Clerk County 2 County 4 __T______ __T______ Deputy CSC Asst. CSC Clerk Of Superior Court NOTE TO CLERK: After you have electronically transmitted the transcript, the clerk in the receiving county does not have to do anything. The judgment will automatically appear on the Judgments Index in the other county and the judgment becomes a lien against all real property owned by the judgment debtor in that county. American LegalNet, Inc. AOC-CV-416, New 5/16 © 2016 Administrative Office of the Courts

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