Motion To Renew Set Aside No Contact Order For Stalking Or Nonconsensual Sexual Conduct (CV-525} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

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Motion To Renew Set Aside No Contact Order For Stalking Or Nonconsensual Sexual Conduct (CV-525} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 8/25/2016

Motion To Renew Set Aside No Contact Order For Stalking Or Nonconsensual Sexual Conduct (CV-525}

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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County Name Of Plaintiff File No. In The General Court Of Justice District Court Division Name And Address Of Defendant VERSUS MOTION TO RENEW SET ASIDE NO-CONTACT ORDER FOR STALKING OR NONCONSENSUAL SEXUAL CONDUCT G.S. 1A-1, Rule 60(b), 50C-8(c) MOTION A No-Contact Order, a copy of which is attached, was entered by a district court judge in this county on the date listed below and has an expiration date as listed below. (Attach a copy of the order.) 1a. I move that the No-Contact Order previously entered on the date listed below and not yet expired be renewed for an additional year and request the court to set a hearing date to determine whether the order will be renewed. (State facts that cause you to want to renew the order, including new acts of unlawful conduct, if any; violations of the order, if any, and give any other reasons you believe the order should be renewed.) 1b. I move that the renewal order modify the previous order in the following ways: 2. I move that the No-Contact Order previously entered on the date listed below be set aside because it is no longer equitable that the order have future application or for other good cause pursuant to G.S. 1A-1, Rule 60(b)(5) or (6), and I request that the Court set a hearing date to determine whether the order will be set aside. (State reasons for setting aside the no-contact order.) Date Previous Order Entered Date Of Expiration Of Previous Order Date Signature Of Moving Party NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: You are hereby notified that this Motion To Set Aside the No-Contact Renew Order will be heard on the date, time and at the location set out below. You should appear at that time to show cause if and why the relief requested in this Motion should not be allowed. Date Of Hearing Time Of Hearing Location Of Hearing AM PM CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on the date of mailing shown below a copy of this Motion and Notice was served on the defendant at the address listed above by depositing a copy in a post-paid, properly addressed envelope in a post office or official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service. Date Of Mailing Date Of Certification Signature Of Plaintiff/Person Filing On Behalf Of Plaintiff AOC-CV-525, Rev. 5/13 © 2013 Administrative Office of the Courts (See INSTRUCTIONS on Reverse) Original-File Copy-Defendant Copy-Plaintiff American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS TO PLAINTIFF 1. You must file this Motion with the Clerk of Superior Court in the county in which the previous order was issued. 2. Ask the Clerk to give you the date, time and location for the hearing before a district court judge and fill in that information on the form. 3. Complete an original and two copies of this Motion. 4. You must mail the completed form to the other party at least eight (8) days before the date set for the hearing. 5. Fill out the certification of service on the form; put one copy of the Motion and Notice in the envelope and mail it to the defendant; give the original to the Clerk; and keep the second copy for your records. AOC-CV-525 Side Two, Rev. 5/13 © 2013 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.

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