Order On Child Custody Mediation {CV-630} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

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Order On Child Custody Mediation {CV-630} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 2/19/2018

Order On Child Custody Mediation {CV-630}

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en-USFile No. en-USName And Address Of Plaintiffen-USName And Address Of Defendant en-USName And Address Of Plaintiff222s Attorneyen-USDate Of Hearingen-USTime Of Hearingen-USPlace Of Hearingen-USName And Address Of Defendant222s Attorneyen-USORDER ONen-USCHILD CUSTODY MEDIATIONen-USG.S. 50-13.1en-USThis matter involves issues relating to child custody or visitation. The parties are legally required, or have consented, to participate in en-USthe court222s mediation program for custody and visitation disputes. There en-US has en-USþ 1. þ The child custody and visitation issues in this case be referred to mediation. The parties are ordered to attend the orientation en-US þ en-USþ 2. þ For good cause shown, mediation is waived. þ 3. þ A copy of this Order be served on the þ en-US plaintiff or plaintiff222s attorney.en-US en-US defendant or defendant222s attorney. þ 4. þ Since en-US en-USplaintiff en-US en-USdefendant was present in court, this Order need not be served on him/her or his/her attorney. þ 5. þ Other: þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ en-USVERSUS en-USSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINAen-US en-US Countyen-USIn The General Court Of Justiceen-USDistrict Court Divisionen-USDateen-USName Of Presiding Judge (type or print)en-USSignature Of Presiding Judge en-US(Over) þAM en-US PM American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com en-USCERTIFICATION OF SERVICE en-USI certify that a copy of this Order was served by þ en-USand custody of the U.S. Postal service directed to þ defendant. þ en-US defendant222s attorney. þ plaintiff. þ en-US plaintiff222s attorney. þ leaving a copy personally to þ defendant. þ en-US defendant222s attorney. þ plaintiff. þ en-US plaintiff222s attorney. þ leaving a copy at the þ en-US þ en-US þ Other þ en-USDate Mailed/Delivereden-USSignatureen-USName (type or print)en-USTitle American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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