Civil Summons Third Party {CV-913} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

 North Carolina   Statewide   Civil 
Civil Summons Third Party {CV-913} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 3/24/2024

Civil Summons Third Party {CV-913}

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CV-913 -- CIVIL SUMMONS THIRD PARTY. This form is used in the District or Superior Court Division of the State of North Carolina for third-party actions. It notifies the third-party defendants that they are being sued by the original defendant in a civil action. The form instructs the third-party defendants to respond within thirty days by serving a copy of their written answer to the third-party complaint upon the third-party plaintiff or their attorney and filing the original of the answer with the Clerk of Superior Court. Failure to respond may result in the third-party plaintiff seeking relief as demanded in the third-party complaint. The form also includes provisions for extending the time for service and a section for the return of service where the serving officer certifies how the summons and complaint were served to the third-party defendants.

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