![Request For Continuance Of Hearing In Uncontested Divorce | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Virginia](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Virginia/Jpeg/2%20Local%20County/Virginia%20Beach/Circuit%20Court/Request%20For%20Continuance%20Of%20Hearing%20In%20Uncontested%20Divorce_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740038576&Signature=omLwCmKiAa%2FYpNXiuyGqOzi8dgc%3D)
Last updated: 12/26/2018
Request For Continuance Of Hearing In Uncontested Divorce
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE OF HEARING IN UNCONTESTED DIVORCE Case No.: CL V. Plaintiff Defendant Counsel for plaintiff: Counsel for defendant: Pro se party: plaintiff defendant Counsel/party preparing this request: CURRENT HEARING DATE: # OF PRIOR CONTINUANCES: . IF 3 or more prior continuances, a judge222s approval is required. See Note Section below. CHECK THE APPLICABLE BOX BELOW: A. Continuance request is by agreement of all parties. See Note Section below. B. Agreement of the non-moving party is not required as [See Note Section below]: The non-moving party has signed the Final Divorce Decree. The non-moving party has signed a waiver of all future notices and/or notice of entry of the Final Divorce Decree. The non-moving party was served by Order of Publication and/or its equivalent and has not filed any pleadings/correspondence in the suit. C. Continuance request is not by agreement and the non-moving party has been served with notice of hearing. Notice of continuance to non-moving party required. See Note Section below. NEW HEARING DATE REQUESTED: @ 10:00 A.M. Must be set on a Friday NOTE SECTION IF BOX A OR B APPLIES, submit this request via email to: dutyjudg@vbgov.com . IF BOX 223C224 APPLIES OR IF THERE HAVE BEEN 3 OR MORE PRIOR CONTINUANCES, the motion to continue must be scheduled on the Duty Judge Docket or the Friday Motion Docket for approval by a judge. Submit this form to the Court on the date of the motion to continue hearing. IF BOX A or B checked Judicial Assistant may approve: Hearing rescheduled to the date and time requested above and confirmation sent via email. Date: , Judicial Assistant IF BOX 223C224 checked or there have been 3 prior continuances, Judge must approve: MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE IS: GRANTED. Deliver to judicial assistant to reschedule hearing to the date and time requested above. DENIED. Date: , JUDGE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com