Order Of No Further Process (With Bond Waived) {10213a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

 Missouri   Local Circuit Courts   16th Circuit (Jackson County)   Probate 
Order Of No Further Process (With Bond Waived) {10213a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

Last updated: 6/10/2021

Order Of No Further Process (With Bond Waived) {10213a}

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF , Adult Protectee. ESTATE NUMBER ORDER OF NO FURTHER PROCESS Now on this date, the court takes up for consideration the settlement and petition for order of no further process heretofore filed by the conservator of the above named protectee and finds that: 1. The value of the assets of the protectee's estate does not exceed the value prescribed by Chapter 208 RSMO for welfare eligibility and the protectee is eligible for and receiving public assistance. The conservators settlement is correct and should be approved. It is, therefore, 2. ORDERED that the conservator's settlement is hereby approved and that no further process issue until further order of the court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the bond of the conservator is waived and that this administration shall continue without cost or other expense until further order of the court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the conservator shall file an annual report on the anniversary date of letters in the form prescribed by the court reporting the status of the protectee and the protectee's estate and reporting any additional income or assets of the protectee coming into the hands of the conservator. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the conservator shall immediately report the death of the protectee. Dated: Judge 10213a Commissioner American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com

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