Notice To Unknown Heirs {10363} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

 Missouri   Local Circuit Courts   16th Circuit (Jackson County)   Probate 
Notice To Unknown Heirs {10363} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

Last updated: 7/27/2021

Notice To Unknown Heirs {10363}

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER Deceased. NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS (Sec. 473.040) TO THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF Deceased. You are hereby notified that died on . Letters of Administration were issued by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri on .As far as known, the decedent at the time of death was years old. The personaldescription of the decedent was It is believed that the decedent was born at The total appraised value of decedents estate as shown by the inventory thereof is as follows: $ . The places for the publication of this notice as designated by this court are and Division Clerk Deputy Division Clerk Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri PUBLISHER: 1. Publish this notice once a week for SIX consecutive weeks, on the same day of the week on which the first publication was made. 2. Furnish this court with clipping of first publication. 3. File in this court immediately after the sixth publication, the sworn affidavit of dates of publication. Form 10363 12/13/98

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