Application To Extend Time For Filing Inventory {10264} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

 Missouri   Local Circuit Courts   16th Circuit (Jackson County)   Probate 
Application To Extend Time For Filing Inventory {10264} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

Last updated: 6/10/2021

Application To Extend Time For Filing Inventory {10264}

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER , Deceased. Protectee. APPLICATION TO EXTEND TIME FOR FILING INVENTORY (Sec. 473.233 - 475.145) Comes now the fiduciary herein and states that the inventory herein is due , c ontinuances thereof have been granted; that citations have been issued for failure to file the same, and that the time for filing same should be extended because . WHEREFORE, fiduciary prays that the time for filing inventory be extended to . The undersigned swears that the matters set forth are true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration. Dated: . Fiduciary ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR FILING INVENTORY The time for filing inventory in the above estate is hereby extended to . Dated: . Judge Commissioner

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