Report Of Private Sale Of Real Property {10477} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

 Missouri   Local Circuit Courts   16th Circuit (Jackson County)   Probate 
Report Of Private Sale Of Real Property {10477} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Missouri

Last updated: 7/27/2021

Report Of Private Sale Of Real Property {10477}

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER , Deceased. Protectee. REPORT OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY (Sec. 473.513, 475.240, RSMo) The undersigned fiduciary reports to the court: That pursuant to an order of this court, made on directing the private sale of the real property in said order located in the county of as described in Appendix A attached hereto, the fiduciary did on sell said described real property to for the total sum of dollars; That prior to said sale, the above described real property was appraised by * * as appears by the certificate of appraisementattached hereto and made a part of this report * as appears by the appraisal thereof filed with the inventory of said estate. That said real property was sold for more than three-fourths of its value; that the terms of said sale were inaccordance with the order of the court, and that the said purchaser has fully complied with the terms of said sale which are as follows: WHEREFORE said fiduciary asks that the said sale be confirmed and that said fiduciary be authorized and directed to execute to the purchaser a good and sufficient deed for said property, in accordance with the termsaforesaid. Fiduciary further avers that the fiduciary did not directly or indirectly purchase said property, or any partthereof, and that the fiduciary is not interested in the property sold except as stated in said report. Fiduciary *Strike inapplicable Subscribed and sworn to before me on . Notary Public Division ClerkNotary commission expires: By Deputy Division ClerkForm 10477 Page 1 of 2 8/2/96<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) , fiduciary, being duly sworn, says that (he) (she)did not directly or indirectly purchase said real property, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, and that (he)(she) is not interested in the property sold except as stated in said report. Fiduciary Subscribed and sworn to before me on . (SEAL) Notary Public Division ClerkNotary Commission expires: By Deputy Division Clerk Form 10477 Page 2 of 2 8/2/96

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