Judgment After Bond Forfeiture {MC 238} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Judgment After Bond Forfeiture {MC 238} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/14/2021

Judgment After Bond Forfeiture {MC 238}

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Original - Court 1st copy - Defendant/Juvenile Approved, SCAO 2nd copy - Surety or other depositor STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGMENT AFTER BOND FORFEITURE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ORI Court address Court telephone no.MI- Defendants name The State of Michigan THE PEOPLE OF v CTN SID DOB TO: (name and address of defendant) (name and address of surety or other depositor posting bond) Offense(s) Face amount or value of bondAmount deposited TYPE OF BOND: Personal recognizance Conditional $$ 10% cash Cash Surety Real property 1. The above bond was forfeited and defendant was ordered to surrender to the court within 28 days. The defendant failed to surrender as ordered. IT IS ORDERED: Judgment is entered in the full face amount or value of the defendants bond as follows: FOR: Unit of government AGAINST: Defendant/Surety/Depositor Full face amount/value of bond.............. The balance of this judgment must be paid by Costs .................................................. . If the Total amount of judgment...................... balance is not paid within 56 days of this due date, Less deposit........................................... a 20% late penalty on the amount owed will be Balance of judgment........................... applied to the balance and any allowed methods of collection will be pursued. 2. a. The original charge(s) against the defendant, for which the forfeited bond was posted, is/are still pending. A bench warrant has been issued on the original charge(s). b. Fine and costs as ordered have not been paid. A bench warrant was issued for failure to comply with judgment and bond posted to ensure appearance. Contempt/show cause proceedings, for which bond was posted, are still pending. Date Judge Bar no. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date copies of this judgment were served on the defendant, and surety or person who posted bond, by ordinary mail addressed to the address(es) shown above. Date Register/Deputy MCL 765.15; MSA 28.902, MCL 765.22; MSA 28.909, MCL 780.66-.67; MSA 28.872(56)-(57), MCR 6.106(I)MC 238 (6/95) JUDGMENT AFTER BOND FORFEITURE

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