Demand Or Waiver For Transcript Of Preliminary Examination {MC 208} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Demand Or Waiver For Transcript Of Preliminary Examination {MC 208} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/16/2006

Demand Or Waiver For Transcript Of Preliminary Examination {MC 208}

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Original - Circuit court 3rd copy - District court (if applicable) 1st copy - Prosecuting attorney 4th copy - Recorder/Reporter Approved, SCAO 2nd copy - Attorney/Defendant/Juvenile 5th copy - Demanding party STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT DEMAND/WAIVER FOR TRANSCRIPT CIRCUIT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION DISTRICT COUNTY Court address Court telephone no. Defendants/Juveniles name, address, and telephone no. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN v Juvenile In the matter of Please see other side for instructions Preliminary examination date Circuit court arraignment date (or filing date of waiver) DEMAND/WAIVER A transcript of the testimony of the preliminary examination in this action isdemanded. waived. Date demanded Prosecuting attorney/Defense attorney/Defendant/Juvenile ORDER On the courts own motion On demand IT IS ORDERED that an original and one copy of the transcript of the preliminary examination in this case be prepared and filed with the clerk of the court by the date indicated below. The reporter/recorder will be compensated for the transcript as required by law. Date to be filed Date ordered Judge Bar no. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The order for preparation of the transcript of preliminary examination in this matter was received on the date indicated below. The transcript will be prepared and filed as ordered. Date order received Date acknowledged Reporter/Recorder and certification designation and number MCL 600.8635; MSA 27A.8635, MCL 712A.2d(7); MSA 27.3178(598.2d)(7),MC 208 (9/00) DEMAND/WAIVER FOR TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION MCR 6.113(D)<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Prosecuting attorney or attorney/defendant/juvenile: Complete DEMAND section, retain the last copy, and forward the original and four copies to the circuit court. A transcript is required unless the defendant/juvenile pleads guilty at arraignment or the parties otherwise agree.2. Circuit court: Complete ORDER section and forward all five parts to the recorder/reporter. If a general order of the court regarding demands for transcripts is in current effect, no further order is required and this section may be disregarded except for orders on the courts own motion. 3. Recorder/Reporter: Complete ACKNOWLEDGMENT section, retain the last copy, and distribute the original and remaining copies as stated below: Original Circuit court file 1st copy Prosecuting attorney 2nd copy Attorney or defendant/juvenile 3rd copy District court file (if applicable)

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