Application To Set Aside Misdemeanor Marihuana Conviction(s) {MC 227a} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Application To Set Aside Misdemeanor Marihuana Conviction(s) {MC 227a} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 9/5/2024

Application To Set Aside Misdemeanor Marihuana Conviction(s) {MC 227a}

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MC 227a -- APPLICATION TO SET ASIDE MISDEMEANOR MARIHUANA CONVICTION(S). This form is used in Michigan for individuals seeking to expunge misdemeanor marihuana convictions under state law. It allows people to request the removal of eligible offenses, including possession, use, or selling marihuana paraphernalia, from their criminal record. The application must be filed in the court where the conviction occurred, and a certified copy of each conviction must be attached. The form is sent to the prosecuting official, and if there is no opposition within 60 days, the court will expunge the conviction. If opposed, a hearing is scheduled. No filing fee is required. MCL 780.621b, MCL 780.621e, MCL 780.621f, MCL 780.622, MCL 780.623.

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